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What are YOUR Hopes, Aspirations & Dreams?

What are YOUR Hopes, Aspirations & Dreams?

Guest Writer: Stacey Rose, PhD, LCSW

If I asked you right now, what do you hope for, aspire to and dream about, what would you say? Would you know exactly what it is you want and strive toward? If so, good for you, but do you know how to achieve them? If you are not clear about what it is you want for your life or how to get there, I have good news!

Anthony Cuttitta, LCSW,  a seasoned clinical psychotherapist and myself are offering a one day workshop on exactly this-Identifying your HOPES, ASPIRATIONS, and DREAMS. This workshop is an opportunity for you to clarify what it is you want for yourself and create a specific step-by-step plan to actually achieve it! So many people when asked this question will say, “I just want to be happy.” But what does ‘happy’ mean to you? Ask 5 different people and you will likely hear 5 different answers. Through a combination of experiential exercises, writing, sharing and yes, even laughing, you will walk away with a GPS of sorts to help you arrive exactly where you want to be.

The timing of this workshop (November 9, 2019) is geared toward being able to start the New Year with a plan. Too many people don’t plan ahead and then set New Year’s resolutions that fall to the wayside by February. By attending our workshop, you will be setting yourself up for success. During the day you will also be connecting with other participants and if you choose you can pick an ‘accountability partner’ that you can check in with after the workshop so you both stay on track.

Life can be hard sometimes. Why not attend a safe, educational, and therapeutic day filled with opportunities to grow and evolve? Imagine, just take a moment and really imagine…if your Hopes, Aspirations, and Dreams come to fruition…what then?? You might be…dare I say it…



When? November 9, 2019 10am-4pm

Where? 1405 Hwy. 35 Ocean, NJ 07712

Why? To be Happy (or Happier than you are now!)

Cost? $200 before October 22, 2019, $300 per person after October 22, 2019. Register early to save money and save your place as space is limited. Lite refreshments provided.

How to register? Send check to Stacey Rose, PhD, LCSW @ 1405 Hwy. 35 Suite 206, Ocean, NJ 07712 or Call 732-517-1177 to give credit card information. Paypal and venmo will be arranged too.