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Red Flags to Look Out for When Hiring a Lawyer

Red Flags to Look Out for When Hiring a Lawyer

There are a number of legal situations in which you will probably want a lawyer, but no matter the situation your lawyer should be a good one. Despite the demand for good lawyers, there are still red flags you need to be on the lookout for.

If you want a successful case and no messes during your time in court, it is crucial that you pay attention to the details from the very first meeting with your attorney. Here are some important red flags to look out for before you commit to hiring a lawyer.

Lack of Communication
In order for you to work well with your lawyer, communication is vital. If your lawyer does not make any attempts to facilitate communication, whether through phone calls, e-mails, or even paper mail, then that is a clear red flag you should not ignore. Communication is absolutely essential to the success or failure of your lawsuit.

Pushing Deadlines
Missing any deadlines in relation to your case is a major red flag that should raise suspicion. No matter if it is family law, estate law, or another form of lawsuit, pushing deadlines or all out skipping them can seriously damage the chances you have at success during your case. If your attorney consistently ignores deadlines, then it is in your best interest to cease working with them and find new legal representation.

No Personal Connection
Just as communication is vital to the success of any legal case, so is a strong relationship between attorney and client. Your lawyer should understand your desires for the case moving forward, and should be committed to helping you get there. If your attorney makes no effort to connect with you and understand your goals in court, then you may face conflict and ultimately, an unsuccessful court case.

Not Providing References
A reputable and experienced attorney should be able to provide you with references from past clients. An attorney can guarantee results, but without credible proof of past experience it can be more of an empty promise. Even an aggressive attorney should be able to provide proof of past successes. In 80% of divorce cases, the decision is unilateral, which means that evidence of past success is essential.

If you notice any of these red flags while meeting with a lawyer, it may be in your best interest to look for legal counsel elsewhere.