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10 Surprising Facts About Divorce in America

10 Surprising Facts About Divorce in America

Many people are aware that divorce rates in the United States are much higher than they were just a generation ago or more. But do you really understand the scope of divorce today? Here are 10 surprising facts on one of the world’s most personal legal issues.

    1. In a study of couples married 39 years or more, the wife’s happiness was a more important factor to a lasting marriage than the husband’s.


    1. Marriages in which only one partner smokes are 75% more likely to result in a divorce.


    1. In as many as 80% of all cases, the divorce is what’s called “unilateral.” In other words, one party wants to pursue a divorce, but the other does not.


    1. In 2011, one-third of all divorce lawyers’ filings contained the word “Facebook” in them.


    1. Women who get remarried after a divorce do so in an average of 3.1 years. Men take only slightly longer, remarrying after an average of 3.3 years.


    1. Couples who spend more on their weddings are proportionally more likely to end up divorced.


    1. The world’s oldest divorcees were a 99-year-old man and his 96-year-old wife, who separated in 2011 after more than 75 years of marriage. The husband had just discovered love letters the wife wrote to a secret lover in the 1940s.


    1. The largest-ever settlement in a celebrity divorce was between actor Mel Gibson and his former wife Robyn. Robyn received a reported $425 million in the separation.


    1. People in the northeastern part of the country are statistically less likely to get divorced than people in the south. Southerners, however, are also more likely to get married in the first place.


  1. The world record for the longest marriage is 91 years and 12 days. Sometimes you can find happily ever after!

Divorce comes in many shapes and sizes; no two cases will ever be quite the same. If you need the help of divorce lawyers in NJ, look no further than Horn Law Group. Our experienced attorneys understand the law inside and out and will help you get through the legal matters of your separation, no matter your circumstance. Call us today, and remember that no matter the status of your marriage, you’re not alone.