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Divorce, Equitable Distribution, Family Law Assets in A Family Law Case

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Introduction Even if you divorce well, you lose half of your stuff. Division of assets is a busines

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law The Benefits of an Amicable and Speedy Divorce

+By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney The Benefits of an Amicable and Speedy Divorce A calm and speedy divorce offers numerous benefits,

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Divorce, Equitable Distribution, Family Law Pets

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Pets After addressing children’s issues, the next most painful divorce issue is dividing the

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Specialist The Professionals

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Introduction Divorce often involves many professionals: lawyers, psychologists, medical experts, ar

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Family Law Judge, General Law, Government, Judge When the Government Gets Involved in Family Law

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Government Involvement in Family Law Getting divorced means dealing with the government. Americans

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Health, Mental Health Mental Illness, Drugs, and Alcohol

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Mental Illness, Drugs, and Alcohol Mental illness, addiction, depression, stress, anxiety, divorce,

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Domestic Violence, Family Law, Health, Marital Home Domestic Violence – Protect Yourself

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Domestic Violence – Protect Yourself Domestic Violence – Protect Yourself from Abusers.

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Equitable Distribution, Family Law What Happens Post-Divorce

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney What Happens Post-Divorce Post–Divorce Issues: Termination of Alimony, Child Support & Cu

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Family Law, Health, Suicide Prevention Suicide — True Stories

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Suicide — True Stories Three Suicide Horror Stories: Divorce Should Not Drive Anyone to Suicide.

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Divorce, Divorce Lawyer, Equitable Distribution, Family Law, Specialist Picking a Family Law Specialist

By Jeff J. Horn – Divorce Attorney Picking a Family Law Specialist Picking a Family Law Specialist – Should You Hire a Divorce a

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