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The Most Common Legal Mistakes People Make During Divorce, Part 2

The Most Common Legal Mistakes People Make During Divorce, Part 2

People make mistakes all the time, but some mistakes can have lasting repercussions if made during the course of a divorce case. Part one of this series discussed several legal issues that couples face during the dissolution of a marriage; here are a few other mistakes that are easy — but potentially devastating — to make.

Not Focusing on the Big Picture
The phrase “winning the battle but losing the war” is particularly important in divorce. If you focus on the little details and minor battles, you might lose sight of the big picture. You need to be sure you understand what matters in these cases, and focus on attaining those things.

Forgetting that Social Media is Not a Private Platform
If you are going through a divorce, you should stop using social media for a while. An average divorce can cost you up to $30,000, and you can lose your case because an attorney or spouse happens upon a Facebook post. Just as with any legal case, anything you say or post can be used against you.

Not Focusing on the Long Term
If you think about divorce as a sprint rather than a marathon, you will inevitably exhaust all of your options before your spouse even begins their battle. Divorce is a long, complex process in most cases, and you need to be prepared to weather it for an extended period of time. The key is to take steps during the process to ensure that you are staying healthy, sane, and social.

Not Understanding Tax Implications
Even if you are making a decent amount of money, the tax implications of divorce can be harmful. A divorce attorney should be able to help you through this, but you will want to do your own research to make sure you understand the financial ramifications when you split from a spouse.

Signing Documents Without Reading Them
This is by far the most common mistake couples make when proceeding with divorce. If you refuse to read or understand certain documents before signing them, you could be seriously damaging your case and your future. Even if your personal divorce lawyer wrote them, it is absolutely necessary to read and understand them yourself.

Legal issues can get tricky, especially when a marriage is ending and both parties are angry, hurt, sad or scared. To keep from making any of these mistakes, talk with your attorney and take time for yourself to understand the nature of this process.