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Family Law

Divorce Is Extremely Difficult, Mediation Can Help

Sadly, about 1.5 million parents of children divorce every year. Divorce is a fact of life and although they can be one of the most stressful events in a family’s lifetime, handling them correctly and carefully can make the entire situation much easier.

Proper negotiation and mediation of divorce are essential for ensuring that the process is handled with the least amount of difficulty possible. Divorce proceedings last about a year on average, and there are so many aspects to keep in mind. Choosing a divorce lawyer that will properly aid in the negotiation and mediation of divorce is very important.

Of couples who went through a mediated divorce, over two-thirds admitted that they were satisfied with the outcome of the divorce process. Having a third party mediator to assist in your divorce negotiations can help make a very stressful situation a little more comfortable.

Divorce cases deal with various issues and everyone’s situation is different, so it’s important to find an attorney who is knowledgeable on a variety of subjects.

    • Child Custody — Working with a professional and compassionate legal team can aid in one of the most emotionally grueling situations a family will find themselves in. Proper divorce attorneys will assist and be very delicate in child custody cases.


    • Distribution — The negotiation and mediation of divorce involve much more than just being civil with one another. The distribution of marital property can be extremely demanding. All parties involved have to be aware of all property, any and all assets, and any debts. These might all have to be distributed throughout the divorce process and it’s important they be handled with care to avoid any confrontation that could make matters worse.


  • Settlements — Finding a divorce attorney that will work with everyone involved to achieve a fair settlement can save everyone a lot of money. Mediation can be done where a settlement is reached well before courts are involved, saving people money, time, and the burden of having to be in a very stressful environment.

Another benefit of a successful divorce attorney to aid you in the divorce process is the confidentiality involved. Everything that you, the mediator, and your spouse will discuss will remain confidential so it’s easier to deal with some of the most uncomfortable topics.

Although divorce can be an extremely stressful event, working with the right people can make sure that the stress is as low as possible and your situation is handled with care.