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How to Help Your Family Handle Divorce During the Holidays

How to Help Your Family Handle Divorce During the Holidays

The holidays are already a stressful time of year for many parents, but when you add elements of family law like divorce or legal separation into the mix, things can get even more complicated. Spending time with family is important to many, but what happens when your family is split up?

Here are a few tips to help you and your family navigate divorce during the holidays.

Nobody is Perfect
It’s rare that a holiday goes off without a hitch, especially in a family that has been through a divorce. The best thing you can do is roll with the punches and address issues as they arise. It’s important to remember that nobody is perfect, especially during the holidays. You should learn to let go of any unrealistic expectations for the perfect day or weekend. Being flexible is the greatest advantage you can give yourself.

Consider a Mediated or Collaborative Divorce
More than two-thirds of couples who choose mediated divorces reported being happy with the results of the process. If you’re looking for a way to make divorce easier for your family and less complicated, divorce lawyers can help walk you through a more collaborative process. This can make for an easier split, especially for your children.

Don’t Forget Your Children
Divorce, beyond involving you and your spouse, also involves your children. In order to create the best environment possible for your children during a divorce, it’s important to help them maintain a degree of normalcy. It’s important for them to know that both of their parents still are about them despite the divorce, especially during the holidays when family togetherness is so often emphasized.

There’s no easy way to carry a family through divorce, but you can help your family through the process by making it as smooth a transition as possible. Communication and creative solutions are both key to making the holidays a time to enjoy for everyone. Family law is complex and can take time to sort through, but if you use these tips during your divorce or separation, you should be able to make it through the holidays with relative ease.