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A Few Important Facts About Domestic Abuse

A Few Important Facts About Domestic Abuse

Approximately 95% of all divorce cases are settled in an out-of-court agreement, but those that must go to court often have more complex issues behind them. One of these issues is domestic violence, which affects countless individuals every day.

And, sadly, “countless” is the right word to use, because far too many domestic violence victims will spend years with their abuser before coming forward. That’s why it’s so important for everyone to understand just what domestic violence is, the signs to watch out for, and why it is important both in and out of court.

What is Domestic Violence?
It is important to start with the basics. The University of Michigan defines this issue as “When a person uses physical violence, coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, emotional abuse, sexual abuse or economic abuse to control another partner…in relationships, which encompass dating, marriage, family and roommate relationships.”

Who is Involved in Domestic Violence?
In most cases there is a clear distinction between victim, or survivor, and his or her abuser. Approximately 85% of survivors are women who have been attacked by a male partner, while the other 15% is made up of men who have been attacked and women in same-sex relationships. It’s important to note that while the vast majority of acts of domestic violence are committed against women, men also suffer from abuse. In every demographic, domestic abuse is most often perpetrated by an intimate romantic partner, which is one of the reasons it’s so underreported.

It is Illegal
Just as one can be arrested for assault on the street, one can be arrested and prosecuted for assault or emotional abuse in the home. In fact, domestic violence is often grounds for divorce. Despite that, many survivors are fearful to come forward, even with a divorce attorney at their side.

Why is This Legal Issue So Important?
First and foremost, any attorney will tell you that domestic violence is important because it is such a serious legal violation of basic human dignity. It is a violation of every person’s right to be involved in an equal, healthy relationship with a partner. Not only that, but domestic violence is often cyclical, alternating between patterns of abuse and then kindness or guilt tactics to keep a victim trapped in the relationship. It is a manipulation of free will.

Domestic violence doesn’t always look like one type of person or manifest in the form of black eyes and split lips. It is important to be aware of the signs of emotional as well as physical abuse so that if faced with the issue, you can identify it.