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A Few Lesser-Known Reasons That People File for Divorce

A Few Lesser-Known Reasons That People File for Divorce

Approximately 10% of the population in the U.S. is divorced, but no two divorces will be exactly the same. Some of the most common reasons couples give for filing for divorce are too much arguing and a lack of commitment, but there are a few lesser known grounds on which couples can file for divorce.

Here’s a short list of some of those lesser grounds.


Unbeknownst to many, a spouse can file for divorce on the grounds of desertion. If their spouse has abandoned the household as well as their financial responsibilities for a period longer than 12 months, then it is legal to file for divorce on those grounds alone.

Cruelty or Abuse

If someone experiences emotional or physical abuse that puts their life or mental health in danger, then there are grounds for immediate divorce. If a spouse feels that they can’t live safely in the same household, then he or she can file for divorce. However, the most difficult part of a divorce in this case is the spouse feeling safe enough to come forward.

A Long and Legal Separation

Sometimes a couple will file for a legal separation, which is a legal process that requires the help of divorce lawyers. If a couple is separated for more than 18 months and still hasn’t managed to resolve their issues, then they will be able to file for divorce.


An individual can file for divorce if their spouse has been institutionalized. However, the length of time a spouse has spent in a mental institution must be greater than 24 months in order for an attorney to get involved.

Time in Prison

If a spouse does break the law and spends time in prison, then divorce can be granted. As with many of the other time requirements, those who break the law must be in prison for a period longer than 18 months in order for divorce to be granted on these grounds.

Divorce is already a complex process, but when you add in these lesser-known grounds that qualify for divorce proceedings, it becomes even more so. No matter the reasons that divorce is being filed, it’s extremely important to have an experienced lawyer working with you to ensure a successful case.