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Seven Divorce Resolutions for 2021

Seven Divorce Resolutions for 2021

Seven Divorce Resolutions for 2021

You have a Big 2021 ahead of you! Divorce Resolutions for 2021.

Divorce Resolutions for 2021: 7 Tips to Unlock Your Winning Divorce Mindset. Have a Big 2021 ahead of you! As a divorce lawyer for over 20 years, I can spot patterns. My divorce clients with the right mindset, win! Try these 2021 divorce resolutions to help propel you into success: focus on fitness, nutrition, learning something new, changing your mindset on money, managing stress, being creative and nurturing relationships. Get the tools and tips you need to make your 2021 a success. Start your divorce or jumpstart your postdivorce life with the right mindset.


Divorce success depends on your mindset. Your divorce resolutions should match your life goals. Of course, your divorce resolutions will motivate your actions. Don’t worry about your acts. Focus your divorce resolutions on baby steps that will propel you in 2021. As a divorce lawyer for over (20) years, I can spot patterns. My divorce clients with the right mindset, win! Try these 2021 divorce resolutions and explode your winning divorce mindset.


Your Seven Divorce Resolutions


1. Fitness

Keep things small. Rather than divorce resolutions like climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or competing in the CrossFit Games, resolve to put your workout clothes out the night before.


2. Nutrition

Food and feelings. Recall a recent event of stress eating. Likely, during divorce, you can think of multiple examples. Take one of your stress eating foods and remove it from your house. Purge your Hershey bars. Dump your doughnuts. I am not saying ban all comfort foods, just one at a time. I promise, feeling good will outweigh your tossed temptations.


3.Learn Something

Of course, you have no time. Work and family time combined with the divorce sap your energy. So what. Pick a small topic of interest and learn a lot about it. Step by step. Start with a YouTube video, podcast, book, audio book … Here are some far flung examples:

  • Read about Abraham Lincoln
  • Explore your favorite unsolved mystery – Bermuda Triangle-style
  • Learn about Mahatma Gandhi
  • Watch underwater salvage documentaries
  • Learn to cook one week’s worth of food in one day – per week


The beauty is – you can read, listen to audiobooks, watch videos, television shows, movies or combine it all with podcasts. And, you can go as deep as you want for virtually free!


4. Change your Mindset on Money

In debt? Trying out the Dave Ramsey financial program. You can listen to his radio program or podcast for free. Likewise, thinking about financial independence and retiring early? Check out the Mr. Money Mustache blog. These are just (2) free and easy examples. The key, is taking the first step.


5. Divorce resolutions require managing stress

Another freebie. Commit to meditating. You will fail. However, you will improve. You do not need flexibility. Forget about the lotus position. A steady chair or simply use the floor. Meditation is about breathing. As long as you can breeze, you can meditate. Magically, stress and uncertainty are manageable simply by meditating and focusing on the breath. Ironically, meditation is called a practice. It is a practice because you do it every day and you never master it. Conversely, you improve daily. Shockingly, YouTube has a gazillion FREE guided meditations and med music.


6. Creativity

Because there is only one you, let it all hang out. Absurd as it may seem, there is an audience for all creativity. It may be an audience of one, 100 or 1 million. It does not matter. In divorce, your mind closes down. Writing for yourself or others helps. Drawing and painting unlock the brain through the eyes and the hand. Singing and playing a musical instrument activate the senses. Seeing red because of your divorce? Allow your creativity to blend life’s colors into a beautiful kaleidoscope of your choosing.


7. Relationships

Surprisingly, your divorce frees you to nurture and build relationships – new and old. Perhaps your divorce unlocks contact with an old friend or an old flame. Reward yourself by learning to trust. Uncertainty is everywhere. View others with a generous mindset. Scarcity is everywhere in divorce. Allow someone from the gym, house of worship or neighborhood into your world. Reaching back to old friends they warm the soul. By and large, my most successful divorce clients have the most nurturing relationships around them.


2021 is guaranteed to be different from 2020. Masked or unmasked, starting your divorce or jumpstarting post divorce life – I wish you a big 2021.

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Winning Divorce Mindset

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Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash